
This is an interactive space for the student participants to share their experiences in the Milford Business Mentoring Program. Feel free to read, comment, and learn.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Hello, this is Chantay Harmon. During the 1st session of the Milford Business Mentoring Program I learned some shocking things. For example, if you are an aspiring entrepreneur it is actually good to have gotten fired at some point in your life. During this meeting we also had Ken Anderson come and talk to us about some of the character traits you should have or be willing to adapt in order to be the most successful entrepreneur that you can. All of the things we talked about are going to help me as I prepare myself for the business world because before, I had no idea what to expect but now I sort of have a better understanding and hopefully by the time the program is over my understanding will have grown a lot more. Thank you for you time to put this program together.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Tuesday was our first meeting about future enrepreneurism. Our first guest speaker was Mr. Ken Anderson. he is currently the Entrepreneurial and small Business Support for the Delaware Economic Development office. While he was speaking we learned many interesting things about what it takes to own your own bussiness. some of the things I learned really surprised  me. I look forward to going to the next meeting.


The first meeting was quite enjoyable even though I was a little nervous, but I my opinion what happened there went over very well.  The information that was covered in the meeting was quite helpful to me so that I would know what is needed to be an entrepreneur.  And, the people there were really nice and the general mood was great.  And, the food provided looked good even though I didn’t eat any of it.


Mr. Ken Anderson, Director of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Support at Dedo, was the guest speaker for us. He talked about skills, necessary things needed for being a successful entrepreneur. he gave us some inspiring examples from his own life and some other successful people. i would love to learn more and use the information in real life to be successful.


It's a nervous fear that many seem to not want to face though the fact of the matter is that we all have to sooner or later. The question that runs through our mind over and over again is if this is the right business for us or not? Our first meeting as young entrepreneurs helped us gather some hints as to where we need to go in order to complete this journey to our goal. Such as finishing school but most importantly don't let what other people think get in our way of reaching our goals cause all we have to do I'd believe in ourselves and we will be able to reach our goal. We also got to partake in learning a few neat facts such as it's better to have been fired then not to have been at all, given the reason of course. But also what really kept my mind into the controversy was that entrepreneurs are what is inside you no matter if your parents were entrepreneurs or not, you are your own person! This is Liv saying "be your own person for you are what your dreams are." See ya next week!!!!