
This is an interactive space for the student participants to share their experiences in the Milford Business Mentoring Program. Feel free to read, comment, and learn.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


The speaker we had last Thursday was really helpful with alot of questions I had regarding financial needs. He explained everything we needed to do to save money, get more money, and spend money wisely. Also, what I liked about him was that I could relate him alot. He doesn't like to spend much money if it isn't required. I'm the exact same way, I'm always looking for cheaper prices. Every financial question I threw at him, he answered with an explanation suitable to my understanding. He warned us about the things that could happen if we don't spend and save money wisely. Everything that he said has processed through my brain and written down so that I may remember it when necessary. He made owning a business alot easier for us because of the information he has provided us with.

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