
This is an interactive space for the student participants to share their experiences in the Milford Business Mentoring Program. Feel free to read, comment, and learn.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Last week I had the chance to meet Ken Anderson, his vivacious personality is quite inspirational. He seemed to demand respect with an assertive yet humorous manner. I couldn't help but notice that Bryan also has this quality. I think this is one of the most important factors that can either make or break entrepreneurs business. The three most important thing that I learned from Mr. Anderson and the other business owners are that I should make sure I am cut out to be an entrepreneur, I should never give up on my goal no matter how much I fail, and that the best thing about being about an entrepreneur is that I don't have to separate my dream and skill from my passion. I can put them together and make my life productive and enjoyable. I can tell that I have much to learn and with this program I can become more than some average business owner, I could become something great. After talking for only a few hours I have learned so much and realized just how little I know.  

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